Battle Plan Roll 6s

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Dark Eldar Update

Following in Duncan's foot steps, I too have a full painted army for 40k for the first time. I stole this image from the pics Mike took from the Maul at the Mall event. It is my 1850 list that includes:

1 Archon: shadow field and agonizer
3 squads of 4 trueborn: 4 blasters each and venoms (double cannons, flicker field, night shield)
3 squads of 5 warriors: 1 blaster each and venoms (double cannons, flicker field, night shield)
1o witches with hydra gauntlet in raider (flicker field)
9 witches with hydra gauntlet in raider (flicker field)
3 ravagers (flicker field, night shield)

I think it is a very balanced list game wise and got above average paint scores so I am very happy with how it turned out. I am however sad at one thing. Before deciding on the pain scheme I did two things. First I looked at all the colors of paint I have never used, and second I looked at pics of other DE armies on the interwebs so as to avoid having an army similar to others. You know what happened.....all the DE armies at the event were purple! I guess I missed the memo.

I am looking forward to adding an extra 150 pts of painted minis to get it to the 2000 pt level needed for the ATC. That is assuming I don't change my mind and decide to take Daemons between now and then. This is only about half the models I have for the DE so I have a lot of work ahead of me if I want them all painted.

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